What Really Happens In An Earth Energy Connection Session?
How the Earth Energy Connection journey unfolds for you in a 2-sessions-in-1 adventure.
Katrina Matos
7/5/20235 min read
Our Earth Energy Connection Journey Starts With A Phone Call
If you’ve already visited the GreenSpirit Craft website, you know the EEC process starts with a phone conversation between you & me, where we:
1) Clarify the intention for your session, and...
2) Confirm which plant, animal, insect, or other nature being that lives where you are, is going to be the guide for our session together.
When we both settle in to connect with each other, though, what actually happens? What is a session really like?!
I can hear you now..."Seriously Katrina, how do I know you're focused on me? How do I know you're not painting your nails & listening to K-pop during my session time?" This is why our journey starts with a phone call, so we can begin to establish trust.
Setting Up Our Connection Begins Before You Even Receive Your Text
I give each session the same care I would give if you were coming to see me in person, spending a few minutes setting up my space physically, mentally, energetically, before I even text you to say I’m starting. You should feel the results of that on your end.
I make sure I won’t be disturbed, that I have any tools I need and that my whole self is calm, focused and receptive to our connection.
I activate & expand my Infinite Self, the part of me linked with Universal/Divine Wisdom.
I set an intention that our work & play together happens according to each being’s deepest good & free will and I reach out to check in with our nature guide. (I use a heart symbol when I run the energy to help with staying in that intention.)
After that is when I text you to “officially” start our session, and start the audio recording that I’ll send to you later.
You relax in a quiet place on your own & get to have your own experience first, tapping into your own intuitive messages. You can focus on your breath, lay back & look up at clouds, fall into a daydream or snooze.
Some people feel particular body sensations, or see images, and colors. However it unfolds is fine.
In the audio, I state the nature guide we’re working & playing with, and state your intention, which we finalized on the phone.
Are you looking for support or guidance around a big change in your life, or help with a physical, mental, or emotional challenge? Perhaps you want to ask for ideas & suggestions on your next steps in life. Or you want to deepen your relationship with your neighborhood oak tree.
Your intention shapes the messages that come through and there are an infinite number of ways to use your distance energy sessions for support…
Set Healthy Boundaries
You can choose your nature guide & ask for help with preparing yourself for difficult family gatherings, or other social occasions that bring up anxiety for you. Receive your guide’s wisdom around owning your space & navigating challenging situations with more ease.
Bring In Self Forgiveness
Are you still carrying the weight of past mistakes? In an EEC session you can bring in the compassionate energy of self forgiveness to come to a feeling of greater peace.
In a meditation with Redwood, I once received a message about self forgiveness that came through in full word phrases, which is more unusual. Typically I receive colors, other images and body sensations in a more impressionistic style.
The message was: “Let the Heart of the World hold you. Release your burdens. Open yourself to the unconditional loving grace of your own divine nature. That is where self forgiveness lies.”
Ask For Ideas On How To Heal The Earth
There’s a lot of information out in the world about actions we can take to take better care of our planet. If we start with healing our relationships with our Earth family, that will also point us to ways we can heal our whole planet.
Have you ever tried asking your other than human Earth family what they suggest?!?! Their answers could surprise you.
EEC sessions can help widen the channel of communication with these other family members. What would the maple tree, the scrub jay, the local creek and your neighborhood squirrel all have to tell you about what they would like you to contribute to their well being?
It could be something practical such as picking up trash. It could be something more subtle like “sing me a song every time we visit with each other.”
Certainly taking care of our world means more than doing this-or-that: it means building up to doing all these things and so much much more. It starts, however, with learning to become much better listeners and observers of all the life around us, from a space of kinship & compassion. Earth Energy Connection can definitely help with that.
I’m happy to help you with shaping the intention of your session, if you want assistance.
So what happens next?
I usually start our shared session time by scanning your personal energy field, including the grounding channel below your feet, and the celestial channel above your head, asking for guidance about where & how to begin.
I might bring in the vibration of different colors into your space, or describe the colors I see that are already there. Advice from your guide could come in the form of words, images, body sensations, or movements. It might include activities for you to try outside of the session.
As our session comes to a close, I always invite your spirit to balance & re-set your energy space to comfortably & safely re-enter your everyday state of mind, and go about the rest of your day.
I thank all the beings & elemental energies that came to support us, and direct all energies to go back to the beings they belong to, and dissolve the connections between all of us. Each of us is claiming our own energy, and releasing anything else.
Once I text you to say we’re done, that brings the first part of our session journey to a complete close.
Most people feel relaxed, centered, joyful, and calm after a session. Once in a while you may feel distracted or restless during your session time, and that's ok! The energy is still running.
As you integrate your journey, pay attention to any ideas, observations, dreams, inspirations, or feelings that come up in relation to your intention and/or in relation to your nature guide.
Receive Your Customized Guided Meditation Script On Audio File To Keep
After I close our session, I'll send the audio file that describes my impressions of your journey, which you can listen to right away.
It will feel like a guided meditation and you'll receive a 2nd energy tuneup, when you listen within 5 days of our session.
Each Experience Is Unique
The most powerful part of one client’s journey happened a full month after our session!
He had a spontaneous experience with Coyote, his chosen nature guide, the day before I reached out to him for a 1 month check in.
Continue Your Adventures
Once you have that connection with your nature guide, you can absolutely continue to nurture it, either on your own, or with my help.
You can set up future EEC sessions for yourself working with the same nature guide, or you can choose a different one.
You can work on the same issue over several sessions, or choose another focus for yourself.
If you have any questions about all of this information, email me: Katrina@GreenSpiritCraft.com
I’d love to hear from you!
To start your adventure,
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Santa Rosa, CA 95404
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